Enterprise & Employment

A vibrant and successful private sector is key to sustainable growth. More must be done to help small and medium enterprises access capital, skills and training, and opportunities to trade so that they can grow within the formal economy.Alongside the priorities set out above, particularly on the investment climate, infrastructure, governance and trade, Business Action for Africa supports the proposal in the Commission for Africa Report for the creation of an Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) and calls on governments to provide the resources required to make it effective.

It is particularly important that the AECF support the growth of enterprises in the agriculture sector, given the importance of this sector to the livelihoods of the vast majority of poor people, and to the growth and employment prospects across the wider economy.
  • The international community and national governments should draw on the skills and investment resources of the African Diaspora worldwide.
  • The Diaspora has a key contribution through the transfer and sharing of entrepreneurial skills and investments, and this should be supported. In particular, support should be given to enable the Diaspora to more effectively channel remittances to invest in the small and medium enterprise sector.
BAA Enterprise Development Project
Jointly led by Anglo American, Barclays, Rio Tinto, SABMiller, Shell Foundation and Unilever, this is exploring the scope for collective action on enterprise development – including, for example, joint business development services, vocational and technical skills training for young people, employee engagement, sharing of best practice and advocacy.
The scoping report project was managed by IBLF and supported by Accenture Development Partners.